Portland Trailblazers visit OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital

Yesterday With Us had the unique ability to spend some time at OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital to visit patients for the day. Our Founder Pat & his coaches & teammates were split into six different groups to visit patients rooms and be stationed for activities in play rooms. This was a surprise visit, so the patients & families who were at the hospital were more than excited & taken back to meet the players and coaches in their own hospital room. They offered each of the kids (patients and siblings) beanies and posters; took photos, autographed items, asked questions, and visited with the family until it was time to go to the next room.

OHSU Doernbecher is one of America’s leading children’s hospitals. Doernbecher serves more children than any other hospital in Oregon and SW Washington. Doernbecher is on the OHSU campus and not only provides treatment, but also is researching cures for the leading pediatric illnesses as well as training the next generation of pediatricians.

This was an especially exciting visit for With Us because of the sincere looks of happiness and excitement that was seen on the children’s faces as Pat and his teammates entered the patients’ rooms. The families’ in the room often seemed to be brought the same type of excitement and happiness, for those few minutes their children forgot about the certain obstacles in their lives and saw that members of their City’s NBA took time out of their day to come say hello and spend time with them. Sometimes things as simple as that can create a memory that will be cherished forever. And With Us is happy to be able to give some of these experiences to children around the world.


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